As 2021 draws to a close, I’ve been reflecting on how the past few months have flown by since I became Executive Director in March.
It’s been quite a whirlwind, joining the organization at a pivotal time, working to promote our region when travelling and attending events, even locally, can involve some restrictions and adhering to protocols.
It’s been almost two years of uncertainty and upheaval for businesses and venue operators and I applaud every one of you for navigating through the challenges. It’s not been easy and we’re all eager to put the pandemic in the rear view mirror.
While my own career path has involved significant time of employment in the tourism sector, working in hotel and casino positions, this role has given me an even greater appreciation for our beautiful region and the industry itself.
And there’s so much to love.
While travelling further afield has been disrupted over the past 21 months, the GPRTA has increased efforts to highlight the many things this area offers residents to see and do – those hidden gems or places they haven’t been to in a while. We look forward to being able to fully welcome visitors from across the country and around the globe soon.
We’ve also invested resources in training to help service staff and managers be even better ambassadors through the Customer Service Blue Pin Program in association with Northwestern Polyntechnic, formerly Grande Prairie Regional College, and the County of Grande Prairie.
I’m grateful for partnerships like this that help us build on the strengths of the region’s tourism sector.
There are so many other aspects out being GPRTA Executive Director to enjoy:
In the words of a song from a beloved movie, The Sound of Music, these are just a few of My Favorite Things about this position.
Speaking of events, here is some of what’s available over the next couple of months.
Every Wednesday is Kokanee Comedy Night at the Great Northern Casino
Every Thursday is Thursden at The Lion’s Den Pub,
In closing, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support over the past few months and extend my wishes for a safe, healthy and happy holiday season.
I look forward to working with all of you to help spotlight this region as a great place to visit in 2022!