
Business Services

Covid-19 Crisis

Business Services

Alberta Small Business Success

We are a support group for self employed Albertans as we navigate this Pandemic

Business Services

City of Grande Prairie

Please see our website and facebook page for up to date COVID-19 information.

Business Services

GPREP, Grande Prairie Regional Emergency Partnership

Emergencies can happen anytime. Make a plan. Create a kit. Stay informed. It is your responsibility to be prepared if a disaster occurs. There are various ways to stay informed of emergencies within your community and surrounding area. Check our website for updates

Business Services

Grande Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce

We are the voice of business and work for our members. We base our services around the pillars of networking, promotion, advocacy, value added benefits and community involvement while drawing on the resources of both the Alberta and Canadian Chambers of Commerce.

Business Services

Government of Canada

See the links provided for information regarding updates and support during the COVID-19 Crisis.

Business Services

Government of Alberta

This website is updated with links and formation for health and financial support during the COVID-19 Crisis

Business Services

Travel Alberta

Stay Home Stay Healthy

Business Services

Destination Canada

Destination Canada provides intelligence, tools and resources that help the Canadian tourism industry reach international markets.

Business Services

Tourism Industry Association Canada

CORONA VIRUS UPDATES Our vision: To lead the Canadian tourism industry to be the most competitive in the world. Our mission: To be the voice of Canada’s tourism industry and improve its global competitiveness as an international destination through leadership and advocacy.

Business Services

Tourism Industry Alberta

The Tourism Industry Association of Alberta (TIAA) is a not-for-profit, tourism association that advocates on behalf of all segments of Alberta’s tourism economy for a competitive and sustainable business environment that generates substantial economic value for the province.

Business Services

County of Grande Prairie

COVID-19 and all County updates available here.

Business Services

County of Grande Prairie Business Support Network

Make sure to check our Eventbrite page to follow us and for the most up to date list of round tables and sessions and to register. Countygp-BSN.eventbrite.ca

Business Services

Grande Cache MD of Greenview

Stay up to date with our Facebook page

Business Services

Business Resiliency Task Force

The Chamber of Commerce along with the City of Grande Prairie and County of Grande Prairie Economic Development Departments are working together to provide a unified approach to supporting local businesses during these unprecedented times. Use this link to stay up to date with upcoming events.