Support Service

Grande Prairie Regional Sport Connection


Phone: 780-518-5506


The GPSC is a volunteer driven, non-profit organization representing and serving the Grande Prairie and Area sport community.

We serve as a collective voice for sport in our region, striving for quality sport experiences for all and attracting, creating and retaining sport tourism opportunities for Grande Prairie and Area.

To have a participant centered sport delivery system that provides quality sport experience to all.

Our goal is to influence and support the growth and enhancement of sport in the Grande Prairie Region. We do this by:

Promoting sport in Grande Prairie and Area.
Being a resource to the sport community
Implementing the Sport Tourism strategy put forward by the City of Grande Prairie.
Recognizing obstacles and inefficiencies in facility use and creating plans to implement change.
Increasing communication lines between sport organizations enabling them to collaborate and reduce redundancies.
Supporting individuals or organizations in hosting or bidding for sport events.
Recognizing athletes, volunteers, corporate and individual contributors to sport in our region.
Providing a vehicle for discussion and information sharing
Facilitating increased access to education and training for athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers.